Mayo Clinic in Florida invests in community anti-racism efforts

In 2020, Mayo Clinic launched the Commitment Against Racism, charging site and shield leaders with developing a set of actions, timeframes, milestones and outcomes to address and eliminate racism, and improve health disparities at Mayo Clinic and beyond.

This year, Mayo Clinic in Florida has continued its work toward these goals by supporting several programs, projects and initiatives, including creating community clinics to serve uninsured patients and providing funding to local organizations that are dedicated to addressing health disparities and eliminating racism.

"We are so proud of the work that has taken place this year in our ongoing efforts to eliminate racism in our community," says Madi Dinkins, director of the Mayo Clinic in Florida Office of Equity, Inclusion and Diversity. "The programs and initiatives demonstrate the commitment to support our workforce and community, and will have a long-term impact in processes, policies and building an inclusive environment for all."

Below are a few examples of how anti-racism funding is making a difference at Mayo Clinic in Florida and throughout the local community.

Learner Community Clinic

Rotating teams of Mayo Clinic residents and medical students host a primary care clinic for uninsured patients several days a month at the Sulzbacher Center and Mission House, which serve people experiencing homelessness.

The Mayo Clinic Cares program received funding to launch and support Learner Community Clinics, which address health disparities and social determinants of health in the community by providing access and care to diverse populations in need.

"Our community has a long-standing history of providing access to care for the underserved, and it is a privilege for us at Mayo Clinic to contribute to these efforts and do our part to address health inequities in Jacksonville," says Richard O. White, M.D., chair of Community Internal Medicine. "Our residents benefit greatly from these experiences to impact the health and lives of our neighbors, and we are grateful for Florida site leadership support to be in this space."

Community Health

Anti-racism funding supported the opening of the Community Health Collaborative in downtown Jacksonville, a site dedicated to building health equity in the community by addressing healthcare needs and sharing health education and biomedical research.

The Community Health Collaborative includes dedicated areas for community health education, clinical trial participation, outreach and more. Using an approach that meets people where they are, the downtown site serves as a hub, partnering with community organizations throughout the city for the health of the people.

The project includes:

Mayo Clinic Community Engagement Studios

The Community Engagement Studios program helps researchers work directly with community members. Community experts sign up to participate and meet virtually with Mayo Clinic researchers to provide consultation, guidance, and advice on reaching community members.

Mayo Clinic Community Research Registry

The registry is a database of people who have consented to be contacted for biomedical research opportunities, including clinical trials and biospecimen research. The goal of the registry is to reduce the disproportionate effect of disease in racially and ethnically diverse communities. About 250 members of the Jacksonville community are now enrolled in the registry.

Community Scientist Program

This program is made up of "community scientists," or community members who collaborate with medical researchers to improve the health of those in their communities. Members participate in activities such as providing input on study designs, reviewing study recruitment materials for cultural appropriateness, and giving community presentations to advocate for research. The program supports biomedical research advocates in local neighborhoods and helps them build trust between Mayo Clinic and their neighbors.

Community-Engaged Research Advisory Boards

Community Advisory Boards are groups of community members who volunteer to consult with researchers. Board members are from a variety of backgrounds, meet regularly, and have broad scientific and local cultural knowledge. Board members also may work with community partners to develop activities to address community health needs.

Community Engagement

Several community organizations and events that serve diverse communities received funds to address health disparities and advance equity, inclusion and diversity, including:

  • One Jax – One Youth programming offers youth initiatives for the community's future leaders to elevate their levels of awareness and understanding of differences while providing opportunities for them to participate in community building. Each program allows them to explore more deeply the benefits of becoming an agent of change to improve their community.

  • The Pace Center for Girls provides girls and young women an opportunity for a better future through education, counseling, training and advocacy.

  • The First Coast Relief Fund Healing Jax Program addresses hate and systemic racial inequities in the community.

  • Mayo Clinic in Florida was a sponsor of the 2023 Florida Black Expo, with participation from 40 staff volunteers representing the education, practice and research shields. More than 500 people visited Mayo Clinic's booth, and 175 people were instructed in CPR.

  • To support leadership development goals for staff that align with Mayo Clinic's goal to increase recruitment and retention of employees from underrepresented groups, 27 employees had their 2023 National Association of Health Services Executives memberships funded. In addition to professional development opportunities, members participated in several volunteer events providing staff with meaningful community service activities and opportunities to become engaged, subsequently increasing Mayo Clinic's presence in underrepresented communities.


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