Rochester Area Community Update
2024 Monthly Newsletters
December Newsletter
Q4 Community Contributions, Red Kettle Campaign Match, Downtown Dazzle, and tips to keep your healthy eating habits on track this holiday season.
November Newsletter
A new website for construction updates, reminder for Q1 grant submissions, and Derek Pfaff’s life-changing face transplant
October Newsletter
Q3 Community Contribution Program Grants, generous gift to the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Mayo Clinic utilizes energy innovation with Bold.Forward.Unbound.
August Newsletter
Back-to-School tips and Bold. Forward. Unbound in Rochester updates.
July Newsletter
Mayo Clinic once again earns top ranking in U.S. News & World Report, Rochester featured in Twin Cities Business magazine.
June Newsletter
Quarter 2 Community Contributions, Mayo Clinic rated A for patient safety, and Dreaming Our Futures comes to Rochester Art Center.
April Newsletter
Mayo Clinic stands with the Rochester community to denounce racism in all its forms and to actively promote diversity, equity and inclusion.
March Newsletter
Quarter 1 community giving in Rochester, get engaged with Bold. Forward. Unbound. in Rochester and March marks Colorectal Cancer Awareness month.
January Newsletter
Mayo Clinic announces Commitment Against Racism grant awards and provides tips for wellness in the new year.
2023 Monthly Newsletters