Mayo Clinic in Arizona

The needs of the patient come first.

Local Outreach

Mayo Clinic in Arizona is proud of its many connections to the Greater Phoenix and Scottsdale communities, including training local physicians to provide better care for their patients, partnering with community organizations to make health care more accessible and supporting staff members who give selflessly of their time to serve those in need. In Arizona, Mayo Clinic contributes to the efforts that align with the priorities identified in the Community Health Needs Assessment in Maricopa County.

In 2025, those priorities are access to care, cancer care and social determinants of health. The Arizona Community Relations Committee reviews and prioritizes requests for community partnership or sponsorship from Mayo Clinic, including financial, in-kind and human resources.

Community Health Needs Assessment

Mayo Clinic performs a community health needs assessment to better serve its populations. Through this tool we are uniquely poised to study and respond to local health needs.

Highlights in Our Community

In 2024, Mayo Clinic in Arizona awarded $627,770 to 49 organizations. Mayo Clinic in Arizona is proud to invest in local initiatives in the communities it serves, including Circle the City, American Heart Association, Phoenix Pride, National Association for Hispanic Nurses, and Cancer Support Community Arizona.

Mayo Clinic in Arizona 2024 Community Impact Report

Mayo Clinic employees also volunteered to walk and run in multiple community fundraising events. Mayo Clinic donates $25 for each employee participant to the sponsoring organization of these events.

  • Mayo Clinic supports food banks and meal programs for the underserved through multiple community organizations.

    • St. Vincent de Paul

    • Feed My Starving Children

    • St. Mary's Food Bank

    • Circle the City Respite Facility for the Homeless

  • Mayo Clinic spearheads a collaborative effort across Community Based Organizations, Federally Qualified Health Centers, communities of faith, government and civic organizations providing public health resources and services. The Community Advisory Board was created to serve as a sounding board and to gain insight and input on research, clinical practice, education and health equity initiatives. The board is comprised of more than 30 organizations.

  • Mayo Clinic is a referral hospital for multiple community patients referred for specialty care from community health clinics at no cost to the patient nor referring facility.

Contact Information

Arizona Community Relations