Mayo Clinic Health System in NWWI supports services in Barron County

In the spirit of holiday giving, Mayo Clinic Health System in Northwest Wisconsin’s (MCHS in NWWI) Community Giving Committee recently made a financial contribution to Embrace, a non-profit domestic abuse victim services agency in Barron County, Wisconsin. Embrace aims to end violence, inspire hope, and provide unwavering support to all people affected by domestic and sexual violence. When contacted about the surprise donation, Katie Bement, executive director, Embrace, replied, “this is the most incredible Monday afternoon news. I can't tell you how much gratitude I have for your team and the dignity I feel because you all recognize and value our work without having us undergo a huge competitive application process. It means every penny of this money can go to supporting survivors and our mission, not grant administration. Thank YOU!” Katie also indicated that the annual federal funding allocated to the state of Wisconsin for victim services will be cut from $45 million to $13 million in 2024. MCHS’ contribution will help make up for that loss. It will be used to provide direct services to Barron County survivors and to maintain Embrace’s Flexible Financial Assistance program, which pays for rent and security deposits to keep survivors and their children safe


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