Community Engagement Offers Refresh Center To Help People Stay Cool
As the temperatures in Rochester rose at the end of July, so did the concerns the Sisters of Saint Francis had about those they saw working outside Saint Marys in the heat. The Sisters wanted to find a way to provide safety and comfort for the workers.
In true Mayo Clinic fashion, a team was quickly assembled to create a refresh center on a shady spot of lawn at Saint Marys. Benike Construction provided a tent and a high-powered fan. Morrison Healthcare provided coolers of cold water and electrolyte drinks. Saint Marys Administration provided financial assistance. And the Sisters themselves staffed the refresh center and provided dozens of Sister Lauren's famous sugar cookies.
The refresh center was open from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on July 26, 27 and 28 and drew a steady stream of workers — and a steady stream of gratitude.
A construction worker offered thanks for being remembered in the heat. A member of the Mayo grounds crew remarked that "the Sisters care for everybody."
That's just part of their ministry, they say.
"This is living our Mayo/Franciscan values," one of the Sisters said. "It's an issue of respect: treating everyone in our diverse community, including patients, their families and colleagues, with dignity. This is an expression of dignity."